
Marvila: from the factories to the arts

In the path of previous editions, this year LisbonWeek challenges you to unravel the secrets of the unknown Lisbon. We set the compass to the east and went on the discovery of the history and secrets of Marvila. And let me tell you, we were completely blown away with the echos from the past that we found there: from the medieval Muslim Marbala to the Marvila of the archbishops and patriarchs of Lisbon, from the countryside estates of the eighteen century aristocracy to its unique industrial heritage. We open doors of factories that have been closed for decades, we contemplated the Tejo river in its late afternoon melancholy, we visited palaces and went through alleys and working class villa´s where Lisbon is stubborn enough to persist. So, this is our invitation to you: to delve with us through the history of Marvila, to know its memories and unveil what it´s history translates into the present of this neighborhood: a vibrant and modern artistic cluster of the capital.


Classification: M/6

Aditional Information: Pedestrian walk,  2 hours long


Saturdays - 7th, 14th,  21th and 28th 

In portuguese: 10am

In English: 3pm

Tickets: HERE

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Marvila: from the factories to the arts
